
30 June: chocolate colored stems, needs more flowers, nice color, just starting bloom.

15 July: not mounding, long stems, nice lantana, trailing habit, flowers bright, compact flower clusters, great color, more upright.

30 July: dense, branching, airy, most aggressive lantana, ideal in north, nice color, trails upwards rather than sideways, nice habit, eyecatching, has come into its own, a bit leggy.

15 Aug: spectacular, most aggressive lantana, healthy, has really filled in, spreading.

30 Aug: outstanding, very aggressive, robust, still colorful, botrytis, very dense, nice flowers, crisp, a winner, vigorous, filled in nicely.

15 Sept: wonderful foliage, needs more flowers, lots of unopen buds, foliage overshadows remaining flowers, pleasingly aggressive, flowers and height good, going crazy.